Skyware Local Stand Alone Service

Skyware Systems is cloud based, and interacts with the local hard interfaces at your Property. The Skyware Local Stand Alone Service is only available/used for those Properties using the credit card Gateway service Shift 4. This Skyware service is LOCAL to your Property. Local installations are not cloud based, meaning it will be found on one of the computers at your location. It interacts with the local Shift 4 service interface program, and enables the communication between your Skyware system and the credit card gateway processor. If the Shift 4 gateway or communication program has had problems and gone down, usually the Skyware Local Stand Alone Service will restart when Shift 4 does, but on occasion it may need to be restarted locally (similar to when the "Interface Not Running" error appears in Skyware, and there is no communication between the Skyware and non-Skyware parts of your system).

When using the Pin Pad/EMV device for a credit card transaction, if Skyware and Shift 4 are not communicating, after 3-4 seconds instead of activating, the device will display the error message "Unable to activate EMV device". If this error message appears it means that the local interface program is not running, and thus there is no communication between the local Skyware service and the Shift 4 parts of your system.

Note: If Shift 4 is currently experiencing difficulties, a different error message relating to the issue will be displayed.

If you receive the "Unable to activate EMV device" error message, please check the EMV transactions screen to ensure that the transaction was recorded. If the error truly lies in the communication between Skyware and Shift 4, there will be a record of it in the detailed list for the specific Pin Pad/EMV device, that shows the transaction request was not "picked up" and sent, and instead timed out. This means that the Skyware Local Stand Alone Service is not active and therefore not communicating, and will need to be restarted on-site.

Note: To check on the EMV transactions and to restart the local service may both require a manager or manager privileges on Skyware.




Date Updated January 31, 2022